Spring into Bloom: Exploring the Floral Wonders of Dartmoor

Spring has blossomed into life here in the UK and with it, the hills of Dartmoor have roared into life. The wildlife have started to come back and the growth of local wildflowers and floral delights have already started to populate the fields of Dartmoor and add a touch of much-needed colour to the landscape. This spring season, join us on a journey throughout Dartmoor as we take in the springtime wonders and uncover some hidden gems and much loved spots.

Mothers Day in Dartmoor

Why Visit Dartmoor in Spring?

Quite simply, Dartmoor is a magical place in the spring. The noise and commotion of the summer has not yet arrived but there is still a buzz of life in the air, much different to that of the holiday season. The first flowers on the hilltop, the adorable arrival of newborn foals and other young wildlife and the early development of the hay meadows make this possibly the most peaceful yet exciting time of the year on Dartmoor.

bluebells, spring time in Dartmoor

Ringing around the Bluebells

A popular native flower in the UK, native bluebells begin to flower on the hills around April-May alongside the bigger spanish breeds found around. Short bluebell strolls on the moors are an incredibly popular spring option and a great signal that warmer times are on the horizon. Popular trails take you up by Emsworthy Mire and the iconic Holwell Lawn to enjoy some great spots for photos.


Coated in a blanket of Gorse

Vintage on Dartmoor, the evergreen Gorse is a native customer to Dartmoor and one of the most interesting flowers in the region. Flowering from Spring to Summer with pretty yellow flowers, this prickly plant isn’t one for touching but it gives off a wonderful coconut aroma. It’s one of several yellow plants to dot the landscape with daffodils and yellow poppies helping to create an assortment of colour and variety amongst the bluebells and violets that signal the spring season.

Hawthrorn blossom

Hawthorn in Bloom

A star of most spring walks, the gorgeous Hawthorn trees and hedges found throughout Dartmoor begin to flower throughout the season of Spring. Originally, the pretty little white flowers only started to appear in May but now the flowering begins to happen around April, allowing for more time to enjoy the flowers at their best before the more powerful flowers come to town. The flowers are also populated with a wide range of charming and beautiful wildlife such as butterflies and bees. Walks and trails are littered with hawthorn flowers all Spring with the Hawthorn tree up in Holwell Lawn being a popular photographic gem.

Weekenders Breaks

Wild Ponies & Foals

Iconic to Dartmoor, the wild ponies are a must see on every visit to Dartmoor as one of the most unique wildlife in the region. In particular, the spring season provides an unbelievable opportunity to see the first appearance of wild foals. This adorable sight is a yearly delight and one of the best things to happen on Dartmoor all year round. Come and take in the sights of new life but just be careful, they might be adorable but they are still wild animals so a sense of caution is required.


Looking for a picnic?

We all like a picnic in nature under the sunshine and Dartmoor boasts numerous delightful picnic spots. As the weather improves, few places are more appealing than this picturesque moorland. Pack your favourite sandwiches and head to Spitchwick Common, where you can relax by the tranquil River Dart. Alternatively, Cadover Bridge by the River Plym offers equally scenic views and provides a perfect resting point during your exploration of the moor.

Springtime is peacetime up on Dartmoor; a picturesque and stunning experience where wildlife and flowers thrive. From bluebells to new ponies, the spring is the ultimate reset. Peaceful trails and beautiful sunsets are a part of the attraction on the hills and we are delighted to announce that we are once again open all week long from April onwards. Our vintage inn shines the most in the floral season and it’s one of the reasons we are one of the most photographed pubs in the UK. Whether it’s a spot of afternoon tea or simply a cheeky pint, we are here to make those magical moments that little bit more special.


Please click here for details of our current Spring offer - 15% off a midweek break. It is the perfect time to come and visit beautiful Dartmoor.